Here you will find all the pictures I promised in the book plus a few more. In the original copy, I placed pictures (a lot of which I cannot fit on this website because there are so many) next to the appropriate words in each chapter. They helped tell the story. The way this webhost does things, is you can only put so many pictures on certain pages. I am forced to do it this way but that's ok. I'm making do. here are some. I could not put some of the more powerful pictures on my website. Pictures from Abu-Ghraib, and pictures from the battlefield were deemed too "graphic". I do not want to get suspended by 50 megs again so I am leaving them out. Thank you!
Need more proof that man evolved from primates???
A dimpled chad. (if you forgot, refer to chapter 1)
Jeb and George Bush
The protest that took place at George W. Bush's 2000 Inauguration
The most terrible attack on America this century :( September 11th 2001. The World Trade Center
pretty much self explanatory (see chapter 4)
American Troops who trusted Bush. At ease soldiers. The Lord is your commander in chief now O-:)
"I'm on the EIB Network and I spew hatred constantly. And I have an apartment in the same building that Mary Tyler Moore does and those hawks outside are'nt bothering anybody and John Kerry takes opinion polls to tell him what he thinks about things and Bush does'nt need to take a poll and I'm feeling kinda loopy so I'm gonna cut to a commercial break while i go take some more vicodin cuz I'm Rush Limbaugh.. I have to comb my hair! Im gonna go watch football!
The turkey is fake. Just like Bush's love for this country
The 9/11 Report. The results that were achieved by Congress on several issues
Harken (see chapter 7)
(see chapter 8)
"heh heh hey George? who are we gonna bomb today. uh huh huh huh uh huh huh that was cool"
Convenient for making up threats then coming to the "rescue" of them. Kinda like stealing something from somone and then returning it when a reward is offered.
Cheney's company (see chapter 8)
A smoking gun!!!!
Another smoking gun
Move over Manson family, you've got competition
Bush drunk at a wedding when he supposedly quit drinking.
Hail to the chief
Hmmm. His kids have a liking to the alcohol too. Guess the apple does'nt fall too far from the tree.
6% of the nation is unemployed.
I know my answer
Ya know, Hitler held that same position. (Time's Man of the Year)