Well I just wrote this but I'll write it again. Maybe if computers would work the way they are suppose to we wouldn't have these problems. ANYWAY.
Today is 4-9-05 and it is SATURDAY!!! In this rant, I am picking on something that has, VERY unfortunatly, become a staple in American culture. When you go to a party on Independence day what is there? When you go to a wedding what is there? When you go to a restaurant what is there? When you go to your friend's house what is there? When you go to New Year's parties what is there? When you go concerts, sporting events, and many other functions what is there???? A hidden evil in this country and the rest of the world that we, as a nation, need to stand up and abolish. ALCOHOL.
This is probably not going to be popular but alcohol causes WAY more problems than it solves. 70 percent of the adult population (and some minors) consume more than 300 MILLION gallons every single year. Alcohol is responsible for an estimated 250,000 deaths a year. I can't think of anything else that is responsible for 250,000 deaths a year and at the same time, is served weekly at church every Sunday (The blood of Christ... wine). I have video of a man getting drunk and setting his friend on fire. I have video of a dead teenager washing up onto a beach because he went swimming while he was drunk. How many people die every year from boating accidents, driving accidents, fights, drowning, regular accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, alcohol poisoning, and other things that alcohol CAUSES. You cannot deny that if we illegalized alcohol the amount of car accidents in this country would drop DRASTICALLY. You cannot deny that if we illegalized alcohol, college kids getting STD's and pregnancies would not drop. You cannot deny that if we illegalized alcohol the amount of hunting accidents would drop. (Hunting is another rant for another day but I'll just say that hunting is morally wrong but justified in other ways and leave it at that). If we illegalized drinking, college kids would'nt contract everything under the sun and get pregnant and have to drop out of school, people would'nt get drunk and, due to their alcohol induced dizziness, fall and hit their head on something sharp on the way down to the floor, and die. Men would not get drunk and beat their wives and children. People would'nt get hangovers and pray to the porcelain god the next day. People would'nt get alcohol poisoning. MADD would not have to shell out an arm and a leg to pay taxi companies every New Year's Eve. They should not have to. Why is it that we have to have an independent orginization pay people to drive drunks home from a party. That is LUDICROUS!!!!! I can't think of ONE good thing alcohol does for society.
People say "I drink for the taste." If that were true, which it probably is not, drinks are also available in alcohol free varieties. Beer, wine, and champagne are among these drinks. If there were a law against alcohol, companies would figure out ways to make their drinks alcohol free. There are also many other drinks to choose from besides alcohol. These drinks include: coke, pepsi, orange juice, apple juice, many flavors of gatorade, faygo has over 20 flavors of pop, tomato juice, pineapple juice, mango juice, vegetable juice, cranberry juice, grapefruit juice, grape juice, milk, dasani, aquafina, 3 varieties of mountain dew, cherry pepsi/coke, RC cola, root beer, water, ginger ale, smoothies, milkshakes, sprite, club soda, many varieties of kool aid, hot chocolate, cream soda and others. It's not like the only choice is booze or water.
Another argument against my logical idea is "back in the early part of the 20th century they tried prohibition and it did'nt work". To that I say, does this look like 1929 to you? It does'nt to me. They say "People will go to hooch-parlors and drink secretly. People will still do it." Let me respond to that by saying this.... I want all of you people that say that to do something for me. Get in your car (or if you don't have a car, go for a walk) and go driving for a half an hour. Count how many road violations you see. Count how many times people run red lights, speed, tailgate, switch lanes witout using their blinker, cut people off, turn on red when the sign clearly says "NO TURN ON RED" and any other ILLEGAL traffic violations you see. People still do all those things. The laws obviously are'nt working. Should we therefore legalize them all? Marijuana is one of the biggest cash crops in North America. People are smoking marijuana as we speak. Back in the 1960's hippies used it all the time. Obviously the laws are'nt working because I am only 20 years old and have had SEVERAL oppurtunities to posess and consume marijuana. Should we therefore legalize it? OF COURSE NOT!!!! Just because some laws are hard to enforce does NOT mean that they should not be laws. Some people say "if you illegalize it more people will do it". That is ludicrous. They are saying that if something is available at their corner store for 3 dollars, more people will buy it if it's only available in an alley for 20 dollars and if they risk going to jail. That's like saying if you legalize underage driving then less people will do it. I guaruntee if you legalize underage drinving, every 14 and 15 year old on your block will want a car.
If you have a response to this, take the mic from the "Pass the mic" section up on top and leave your mark on my site.